Tuesday 8 March 2011

- obama's Stimulus Package is exactly the same as the australia's stimulus package. This is to stimulate the economy. - increase health checks on g/s people get so people have healthy supply of what they want and need.
- business pofit motif
- Australia does not have a scarcity of resources
- we have a scarcity of skilled labour.
- use scarce resources for upper class or lower class?
- modern transportation industry and technology
- North Korea - trade embargo
- Why do we have governments? it's not always about profil

Mixed market economy in Australia - business and government involvement
- American system less governed by gov.
- Australia system is more governmed by gov.

Free trade (markets allocate everything) - not always the best.


  1. Joanne,

    I noticed your comment on the scarcity of skilled and unskilled labor. I also saw on a teacher board for available videoconferences a job fair for Australia. The URL is below. I wonder if there are opportunities for my students in Australia, because prospects here are not good. Does Australia provide work permits? If they could get work permits, could they also get into a college there? I don't know if any of them would really want to leave home, but they may just realize that you have to go where the opportunities are.



    Mrs. Stovall

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